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Mengapa Joel Osteen digolongkan Guru Palsu?

Written By Tolop Marbun Academy on Friday, September 12, 2014 | 5:47 AM

Kebanyakan pembicara international ini adalah orang-orang di kagumi banyak orang, tetapi seringkali pengajaran mereka tidak sesuai dengan Alkitab. Minggu ini saya menerjemahkan kuliah Apologetika, saya sudah tahu sebagian dari mereka guru palsu, tetapi saya tidak yakin sepenuhnya. Setidaknya ada beberapa kesalahan mereka sehingga mereka digolongkan guru palsu. Salah satunya adalah Joel Osteen, bukan hanya pembicara internatioanl, juga penulis buku yang terkenal. Berikut alasan kenapa Joel Osteen digolongkan Guru Palsu.

Joel Osteen is a False Teacher who refuses to Take a Stand for Jesus on National & International TV as seen below. Joel has shown repeatedly that he is Ashamed of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ! Joel Osteen is a PEOPLE PLEASER vs a GOD PLEASER. He was asked by Fox News Anchor— CHRIS WALLACE: "Are Mormons Christians? (See Videos below re: Joel & Mormonism) Joel's shocking answer to Chris Wallace was this: JOEL answers: "Yes, In my mind they are...."// What?! Joel then continues to share his Unbiblical Beliefs about this. He apparently doesn't know that MORMONS ARE A CULT! Mormons Believe that Jesus was merely a Created Being who came from Planet Kolob!! We are to Test Everything with God's Word, and line it up with other parts of Scriptures as well...as to not take things out of context (1 John 4:11 Thess 5:21). Apparently Joel Osteen does Not Read his Bible enough to be able to DISCERNthese very simple things..as far as Mormons being a Cult. Joel Osteen is married to Victoria Osteen, and they are— Pastors of the Largest Church in America. Joel has MANY MISSED OPPORTUNITIES to present to the WORLD BIBLCAL TRUTHS & WARN PEOPLE of the COMING JUDGMENTS (John 16:8). Sadly, it's an ongoing Track Record of PEOPLE PLEASING & CANDY COATING GOD'S MESSAGE. Be a Good Berean professing Christian (see Acts 17:11) and Compare what Joel Osteen is teaching people with what Jesus told us about in Scripture. We PRAY for Joel because he is clearly preaching & teaching a different Gospel than what Jesus preached (Mark 1:15).

Berikut Video bukti-bukti kepalsuannya:

Osteen Mengakui Mormon adalah Kristen.

Rommey (seorang Mormon) adalah Kristen dan Tuhan ada bersama.

Joel Osteen Menyangkal Yesus.

Joel Osteen Yakin bahwa Gay Masuk Sugra

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut baca:http://so4j.com/joel-osteen-false-teacher
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